(620) 662-2905

Generations Estate Planning & Elder Law of Hutchinson, KS logo.

Protecting your ​future, planning for ​generations

Attorney Kristen Armstrong of Hutchinson, Kansas founder of Generations Estate Planning & Elder Law
two people signing trust, power of attorney, medical directive, will, estate plan, or special needs trust

Pe​rsonalized planning

Our team at Generations is dedicated to providing solutions for the elderly, the disabled ​and their families. No matter what your situation, we listen to the needs of our clients ​and provide information, advice and most importantly, support.

The majority of our practice is assisting clients with asset protection and planning for ​long-term care. There's a frequent misconception that it's too late to start planning, ​when, in reality, it's rarely too late. As an experienced elder care attorney, Ms. Armstrong ​works within the Medicaid framework to assist our clients in maximizing benefits and ​reducing costs.

Our long-term care planning techniques including planning for the spouse who remains ​living at home within the community, as well as the sick spouse who lives within a care ​facility. Our comprehensive plans look at the immediate care costs and needs, as well as ​the future estate planning goals of our clients.

Our estate planning techniques include advice regarding probate avoidance, asset ​structuring necessary to help client's ensure their goals are met, and top notch ​documents to ensure their plans can be maintained even if long-term care and asset ​protection are necessary in the future.

Our Team

Kristen (Harper) Armstrong has served seniors, the elderly, and special needs populations in Hutchinson since 2017. A native ​and current resident of Hutchinson, Kristen owns and manages the Generations Estate Planning & Elder Law, LLC. ​("Generations"). Prior to Generations, Ms. Armstrong enjoyed six rewarding years serving as the managing attorney of the ​Hutchinson office for the esteemed Shepherd Elder Law.

Generations serves clients in the fields of Estate Planning, Wills & Trusts, Medicaid Planning, Guardianships, Special Needs ​Trusts, and Veterans Benefits.

Kristen graduated from Hutchinson Community College and earned a Bachelor’s degree (with honors) from Wichita State ​University in general studies, with an emphasis in gerontology. Kristen has nearly 18 years of legal experience, working as a ​paralegal and law clerk before and during her time in law school. She managed the Hutchinson office of a boutique Elder Law ​firm before opening Generations Estate Planning & Elder Law.

Kristen completed her law degree at University of Missouri – Kansas City School of Law in 2016. During law school, Kristen ​served as the president of the UMKC Estates & Trusts Society and was inducted into Phi Delta Phi, a legal honor society.

Ms. Armstrong is the only Reno County attorney who is a member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys ​(NAELA). She serves on NAELA boards and committees both on the state and national level. In 2019, Kristen joined ​Hutchinson's sexual assault and domestic violence center, BrightHouse, as a board member. Kristen serves as a commissioner ​on the Hutchinson Human Relations Commission, working to make Hutchinson a more diverse and inclusive place to live.

Kristen previously served on the Reno County Extension Council's Program and Development Committee, as an Executive ​Board Member for the Reno County Extension Council, a member of Interfaith Housing & Community Service's fundraising ​committee, United Way of Reno County's Fundraising committee, and on the Reno County Young Professionals executive ​board.

Ms. Armstrong is an adjunct instructor at Hutchinson Community College for the Paralegal Studies program.

Our services

As a seasoned elder care attorney, ​Kristen is dedicated to helping you ​protect assets such as your home, ​family farm, or other valuable ​properties that you've diligently ​worked for. She focuses on aligning ​her legal expertise with your specific ​goals and needs.

guardianship & ​Conservatorship

A guardianship is generally considered a measure ​of last resort, there are circumstances where it ​becomes necessary to protect individuals with ​diminished capacity. In such cases, the primary ​goal is to safeguard the well-being and rights of ​those who are no longer able to make informed ​decisions about their personal, medical, or ​financial affairs due to age-related issues, mental ​health conditions, or other impairments.

Asset protection

Our goal is to preserve wealth and secure ​financial stability for both the individual and ​their beneficiaries, while complying with all legal ​and ethical standards.

Estate planning

Ensuring the individual's wishes are respected, ​providing clear instructions on how assets should be ​distributed among heirs and beneficiaries. It ​commonly includes drafting legal documents like ​wills, setting up trusts, establishing guardianship for ​minors, and making provisions for taxes and other ​expenses. Estate planning also often encompasses ​making arrangements for end-of-life care and ​decision-making, including powers of attorney and ​healthcare directives.

Medicaid and Long Term ​Care planning

Strategizing financial and legal measures to ensure ​affordable and appropriate care for individuals in ​their later years, particularly when they face ​disabilities or chronic illnesses.

National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys logo

The National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys

The National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA) is a professional association of more than 4,500 attorneys who are dedicated to improving the ​quality of legal services provided to seniors and people with special needs. NAELA members assist their clients with public benefits, probate and estate ​planning, guardianship/conservatorship, and health and long-term care planning, among other important issues.

Membership is comprised of attorneys in the private and public sectors as well as judges, professors of law, and students. Our membership directory is ​available online and is continuously updated.

NAELA was founded in 1987 as a professional association of attorneys who are dedicated to improving the quality of legal services provided to people as they ​age and people with special needs. The primary focus of the Academy is education. The Academy sponsors continuing legal education programs on elder law ​and special needs planning for attorneys throughout the year, and provides publications and educational materials to its members on a wide range of elder law ​and special needs planning topics.

The Academy seeks to provide support to other organizations serving people as they age and people with disabilities. NAELA also examines and advocates on ​public policy issues facing seniors and people with special needs.

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1 N Main

Suite 419

Hutchinson, KS 67501

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Generations ​Estate Planning ​& Elder Law

Formerly Shepherd Elder Law of Hutchinson

another image of two people signing trust, power of attorney, medical directive, will, estate plan, or special needs trust